Featured Sessions » Bluebonnet Learning

Bluebonnet Learning

bluebonnet learning materialsBluebonnet Learning, developed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), offers instructional materials grounded in evidence-based research to enhance teaching effectiveness and deepen student understanding. Fully aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), these resources equip educators with engaging tools to support student success at all grade levels. Recently, the State Board of Education (SBOE) approved TEA's proposal for Texas-owned textbooks, Bluebonnet Learning, as official curriculum resources for public schools.  
Discover how Bluebonnet Learning state-developed instructional materials can transform teaching and learning in your school. These sessions provide an in-depth overview of high-quality, TEKS-aligned resources. Join us at Region 7 to explore tools, strategies, and lesson plans that support student success and streamline instruction across grade levels. 
The Region 7 ESC Bluebonnet Learning team will provide Print OER Materials and Implementation Support.
Tentative Bluebonnet Learning Pricing for Non-LASO Districts
A.  District/Campus Leader Training - $1,000 per participant
  • Focus/Goal - To provide campus/district administrators with the tools to transition to and implement Bluebonnet materials.
  • Location - Region 7 ESC
  • Leadership Kickoff & Launch (3 days) -- To create the Transition Plan 
  • Leader Communities of Practice (4 days throughout the year)
  • Two Learning Walks in-district
  • Includes participation in any product training at the ESC
B. Product Training - (Teachers)  $1,000 per participant
  • Focus/Goal - To provide teachers/administrators with the tools to internalize upcoming units and lessons 
  • Location - Region 7 ESC
  • Kick-Off Meetings (summer training 2-3 days depending on the OERs selected)
  • Four meetings throughout the year for ongoing implementation protocol training
C. Coaching Supports - (Instructional Coaches or Admins serving as ICs) $5,000 per participant
  • Focus/Goal - To provide Administrators/ICs with ongoing, monthly coaching support to ensure successful implementation 
  • Location - Region 7 ESC and In-district
  • Kick-Off Meeting
  • Nine face-to-face meetings throughout the year
  • Two Learning Walks in-district
  • Includes participation in any product training at the ESC
D. PLC Support - $40,000/campus per content area
  • Focus/Goal - Region 7 staff will support coaches/lead teachers during weekly PLCs to develop protocols for 
  • Kick Off meetings (summer training 2-3 days depending on the OERs selected) 
  • Weekly PLC Facilitator on campus to support campus PLC lead
  • Learning Walks with campus administrator and instructional lead
  • Bluebonnet Learning Support - Math and/or RLA

*IMAT funds can be used to purchase any of the supports above
**You can select combinations of supports, however leader training is required
  • A,B
  • A,C
  • A,D
Procuring Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Materials
All Bluebonnet Learning materials are created with the intention of printing instructional materials for classroom use. As an open education resource, educators, campuses, and/or any individual can access all Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials digitally, for free. Printed copies of Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials are available for school systems to procure in the EMAT system.
Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials are available in print through approved vendors. Explore print pricing for all Bluebonnet Learning program print packages available through Region 4's escPrintWorks, an authorized printing vendor.
dividerAdditional Guidance
K-5 Math
R7 Bluebonnet Learning K-5 Math Resources Flyer
R7 Bluebonnet Learning K-5 RLA Resources Flyer
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
HQIM are high-quality curricular resources designed to:
  • Cover 100% of the TEKS.
  • Align with evidence-based best practices for Reading Language Arts (RLA), Math, Science, and Social Studies.
  • Support all learners, including students with disabilities, English Learners, and Gifted/Talented students.
  • Enable regular progress monitoring with embedded assessments.
  • Provide implementation support for teachers.
  • Include lesson-level materials for teachers and students.
On November 22, 2024, the State Board of Education (SBOE) approved a list of instructional resources for Math and K-5 RLA. This list will be updated annually as additional publishers submit materials for review and approval.
For K-8 Math:
  • Bluebonnet Learning Math
  • STEMScopes
Other Math Resources Approved:
  • Agile Minds (Grades 6–8, Algebra I, II, Geometry)
  • Alba (Grades K–1)
  • Cosenza & Associates (Grades 6–8, Algebraic Reasoning)
  • Curriculum & Associates: Texas i-Ready (Grades K–2, 6–8)
  • Kiddom (Grades K–5, Geometry)
  • OpenSax (Algebra I)
For K-5 RLA:
  • Bluebonnet Learning RLA
Phonics Resources:
  • Bluebonnet Learning Skills (Grades K–3)
  • Amplify Skills (Grades K–3)
  • Curriculum Associates (Grades K–2)
  • Just Right Reader (Grades K–2)
  • Reading Horizons (Grades K–3)
  • Wilson (Grades K–2)
Helpful Resources:
On November 22, 2024, the SBOE approved a 10-year timeline for the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process. While this timeline is subject to updates by the SBOE at any time, the current schedule can be accessed here.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are free instructional materials available in the public domain or under a license allowing use, modification, and sharing. These include courses, textbooks, lesson modules, streaming videos, assessments, software, tools, and techniques to support learning.
Bluebonnet Learning K-5 Math
Bluebonnet Learning 6-8 Math, Algebra I
Bluebonnet Learning K-5 RLA

Bluebonnet Learning is a state-developed, STAAR-aligned resource provided in PDF format, making it easy to integrate with Google Classroom and other Learning Management Systems (LMS).
Yes. Bluebonnet incorporates religious references to provide historical and cultural context, which enhances understanding of significant events and ideas. Here is the link to TEA’s rationale document
For example:
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech references the Boston Tea Party and the biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to emphasize justice, freedom, and moral courage.
    • The Boston Tea Party is taught in Grade 1, focusing on protest against injustice.
    • The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is taught in Grade 5, highlighting standing firm in one’s beliefs.
      These connections help students build on prior knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of historical themes.
Under the current timeline, Grades 6-12 RLA will undergo the IMRA process in 2029. In alignment with HB1605, the SBOE must first approve a list of literature and vocabulary. It is logical to delay the development of these materials until those lists are finalized.
Under the current timeline, Algebra II and Geometry are scheduled to go through the IMRA process in 2026. In the meantime, the CER/OER versions will remain accessible on the Texas Gateway website and can continue to be used until the Bluebonnet versions are released.
Under the current timeline, Advanced Middle School Mathematics is scheduled to go through the IMRA process in 2026. In the meantime, the CER/OER versions will remain accessible on the Texas Gateway website and can continue to be used until the Bluebonnet versions are released.
Yes. Bluebonnet materials are in PDF format, making them compatible with LMS platforms.
Bluebonnet materials will be available for purchase in EMAT starting December 2024, along with access to the OER and HQIM entitlements. Districts are required to have board approval before submitting orders. Early ordering is strongly recommended to ensure timely printing and delivery, allowing materials to be ready for use in the 2025-2026 school year.
Region 7 will continue to support our districts regardless of the instructional materials they choose.  However, as Bluebonnet materials begin to roll out, the other materials will no longer be supported by the state and will not receive updates, edits, or additional support from the state.  We encourage districts to consider moving to materials that will continue to receive updates, edits, and support.  Older versions will gradually phase out and move out of active service.
Yes. TCR will develop and support Bluebonnet Learning. The current CER OER Version 4 documents will also remain in the system through 2028, though they will receive limited annual updates.
Yes. TCMPC will maintain the traditional TEKS Resource System, which includes curriculum materials for all non-Bluebonnet content areas, such as Science, Social Studies, Secondary RLA, Middle School Advanced Math, and High School Math (excluding Algebra I, which is part of Bluebonnet Learning). Additionally, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, TEKS Resource System will also include curriculum documents for Pre-K.

No. All vendors on the SBOE HQIM-approved list have already undergone the TEA’s RFP process and pricing negotiations, eliminating the need for a separate bidding process.
Yes. Pricing for Bluebonnet Learning through Region 4 ESC is available here.
No. Materials can be purchased by individual grade levels (e.g., only 3rd Grade Math). However, both teacher materials (with or without manipulatives and/or trade books) and student editions must be purchased together. It is not permitted to purchase only teacher materials or only student materials.
No. To use HQIM and OER Entitlement Funds, orders must be placed through an EMAT Requisition. Region 4 ESC will print all Bluebonnet products, and Great Minds will be a print vendor for K-5 Math only. Pricing for Great Minds orders is not yet available.
EMAT training can be found here or in the EMAT system. 

Funding categories include:
  • Instructional Materials Technology Allotment (IMTA): ~$171/student + $16 for Emerging Bilingual students (funded bi-annually)
  • SBOE-Approved Instructional Materials Entitlement (HQIM): $40/student (rolls over yearly; current total is $80/student; funded annually)
  • State-Developed OER Instructional Materials Entitlement: $20/student (does not roll over; funded annually)
Yes. You can complete the Certification of Provision of Instructional Materials in March or April. This process includes an inventory of the instructional materials currently used for all courses, including CTE and others.

After completing the inventory, the certification must be presented to your school board for approval. Once approved, the certification must be signed by both the Superintendent and the School Board Secretary and uploaded into the EMAT system.

It is strongly recommended to complete this process before EMAT opens in mid-May, allowing you to begin ordering materials immediately. Note that accessible instructional materials can be ordered at any time.
Yes. The School Board must adopt instructional materials annually, with the Certification of Provision of Instructional Materials signed by the Superintendent and School Board Secretary.
Yes, your district is required to develop an Instructional Materials Transition Plan before placing any orders. While these plans will remain at the district level, they must be available for review by TEA upon request. Guidance on what to include in your plan can be found here.
  • OER Entitlement: Available now
  • HQIM Entitlement: Available now for Bluebonnet Learning purchases; funding for all other IMRA products will be available by mid-May 2025
    Note: EMAT will close at the end of March 2025 and reopen mid-May 2025.

Digital formats will be available on the Texas Gateway for K-5 Math, 6-8 Math, Algebra I, and K-5 RLA.
Print materials must be ordered through the EMAT system.
Yes. Supplemental materials will be provided on the Texas Gateway, including videos, PowerPoints, and STAAR-aligned QTI assessment files.

  • Planning Grant: Evaluate current instructional materials to identify gaps and develop a tailored framework for improvement.
  • Implementation Grant: Supports districts adopting Bluebonnet Learning with training, PLCs, coaching, stipends, and funding for supplies.
The Strong Foundations Implementation Grant primarily supports implementation efforts. Districts should strategically prioritize funding sources to maximize their usage:
  • Start with OER Entitlement funds, as these do not roll over.
  • Next, use up to 30% of grant funds for purchasing materials.
  • Reserve HQIM Entitlement funds for any remaining material costs, as these funds can roll over and be used in subsequent years.
Implementation Grant, you are grandfathered in and may continue using the framework you developed through the grant.
For more information, contact a member of our staff.