Special Education » Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework can be considered the umbrella for other support systems, such as data-based individualization (DBI), response to intervention (RTI), and positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS). MTSS encompasses academic, behavioral, and mental health supports for all students. 


Schools identify students who are not making adequate progress in the current core instruction of the general curriculum and provide an extra dose of evidence-based intervention to reduce academic and behavioral gaps. MTSS promotes collaboration among teachers (both general and special education teachers), support specialists, and caregivers. MTSS is not used to delay or deny a child’s right to an initial evaluation for special education and related services. 



Your Region 7 Certified TIER Essential Trainers are here to provide personalized assistance to develop, implement, and sustain effective practices and processes.

Contact Us

MTSS-Student Support Team/RtI/                                         
Evidenced-Based Practices                                        MTSS-Behavior

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