Center for Effective Schools » Accelerated Learning

Accelerated Learning

As we continue to learn more about the requirements of House Bill 1416 and providing Accelerated Learning, Region 7 ESC's mission is to continue to provide our districts with updated information and resources to assist in implementing effective systems.
Key Changes in Requirements for HB 1416

House Bill 1416 updated accelerated instruction requirements from House Bill 4545 by: 

  • Removing the requirement for Accelerated Learning Committees while requiring an Accelerated Education Plan after a student fails to achieve approaches or higher on two consecutive assessments in the same subject area 
  • Limiting tutoring to 2 subjects and no longer including optional assessment administrations
  • Increasing student-to-tutor ratio from 3:1 to 4:1 ratio for tutoring group size  
  • Reducing minimum hour requirement from 30 to 15 for some students* 
  • Providing student-to-teacher ratio waivers for use of approved online curriculum (approvals available spring 2024)
Region 7 Tutoring Corp
  • Tutoring is a necessary component of accelerated learning and needs to meet high-quality standards.  TEA has vetted this list of tutoring vendors to ensure they meet the research-based components of high-impact tutoring.
High-Impact Tutoring Workshops
  • Online and/or In-Person training is available 
  • Schools can generate reports in State Assessment to identify a list of students who are in need of accelerated instruction based on their STAAR scores. The Data Export application will also help identify students who were absent or did not take a test in the spring of 2023. Once your groups are identified, Student Portfolio, FormWorks and TEKScore can be used to document and assess growth over time. Help Desk (866) 988-6777 or [email protected]